data from
29 May, 2009
28 May, 2009
Today's Outstanding Public Debt
data from
27 May, 2009
Today's Outstanding PublicDebt
data from
26 May, 2009
Supreme Court Nominee
Sonia Sotomayer, a Hispanic woman, was nominated by Obama today for Supreme Court Justice. He is once again showing his true colors for making a decision based only upon race. Our President is indeed guilty of reverse discrimination, cited with words along the lines of Sotomayer being more capable than a white male. It is ridiculous that our country is ran on a racial basis, but I guess this is what the Obama supporters voted for.
In other news, a case of Affirmative Action gone awry. In New Haven, Connecticut, there is a fire department that had some promotions available which required an asessment based upon their knowledge. Everyone was given the same study materials. There were twenty positions available. The 20 men that received the highest test scores consisted of 19 white men and 1 hispanic man. The top scoring people were then denied the promotions because the department feared a racial lawsuit because there were no african-american people eligible for a promotion. This is because they DID NOT score high enough, not because they're just a bunch of racists. This case was taken to court after the test scores were thrown out the window due to Affirmative Action. The case has now reached the Supreme Court finally, after five years of fighting for their rights. We will know the result soon and you will be the first to know.
This case is also related to Obama's Supreme Court Justice Nominee, Sonia Sotomayor. She already dismissed this case once because the dudes are white, not black. Obama has just picked someone so radical and so discriminate, that it just really shows his true, true character.
Also, today California decided to keep the ban on gay marriage. They are still going to honor the same sex marriages that took place while it was legalized.
Today's Outstanding Public Debt
Data from
The Obama Deception
23 May, 2009
Nancy Pelosi
22 May, 2009
Today's Outstanding Public Debt
Hmmmm.....a bit more than yesterday...
Credit Card Reform
If you still do not believe that our President is turning us into the USSA, you are going to be in for a rude awakening. It is only a matter of time before we are an entirely socialist country, which is extremely unfortunate. Already, job loss is at a 25 year high under the Obama administration. This is leading to more tax dollars for more unemployed people. More government jobs that only eat money rather than make it. The private sector is quickly disappearing. The only good thing that came out of this Credit Card "Reform" Bill, is that we are now allowed to carry our guns in public parks. Imagine that. Start clinging to your democracy, people.
Today's Mind Boggler
I am providing a link so that you can see just a fraction of the paper trail of where your tax money will be going. These are all the funds promised by our government in this time of recession. Now I don't think their information is entirely accurate, considering that we know it is more than 7.5 trillion dollars that has been borrowed and printed for these people/corporations.
Go to their bailout tracker and take a look. I am certain that it will boggle your mind.
21 May, 2009
Today's Outstanding Public Debt
Slightly lower than yesterday, but not low enough to make us feel better about our President.
data from
Should We Be Concerned?
Binyam Mohamed, charged with aiding Osama Bin Laden in commiting gruesome terrorist acts, has just been released from Guantanamo Bay, back home to Great Britain. This unsettling news comes to us from our President, who released the prisoner without any security restrictions or criminal charges. The President hopes to shut down GITMO within one year, an idea that was immediately shut down but our Democratically-controlled congress. Shocking? It should be. The Congress isn't pleased, and neither are we.
Barack Obama would like to move these terrorist prisoners onto our U.S. soil where some will stand trial, while others will quite simply be released. The Congress is doing their best to make this a little harder for our President though, explaining that it needs to be thoroughly thought out and investigated before this will go on any further.
What do you think about this mess?
Todays outstanding debt numbers have yet to be posted, but when they are, you will be the first to know.
This Just In...
This is kind of comical to me. Reports just came in that those enviromentally friendly bags that you use and take to the grocery store are dangerously UNHEALTHY! The materials used collect bacteria, mold, yeast, and other things that lead to FOOD POISONING! So, remember that next time you go to the grocery store with your reusable bags!20 May, 2009
Total Outstanding Public Debt
data from
Food For Thought
To start off my blogging career, I would like to talk about our President, Barack Obama.
When Barack Obama came into office, it was common belief that he was going to release the 44 photos of alleged "abuse" that had taken place in both Iraq and Afghanistan from 2003 to 2006. These photos were expected to be released on the 28th of this month. Last week, our country was informed that said photos would not be released due to the threat that it posed to our citizens and our military. One Obama campaign promise broken, many more to come.
Oh Nancy Pelosi. You look so silly up there in front of the nation lying through your teeth. How can everyone know but you? You are the United States Speaker for the House of Representatives! Oh, in case you aren't aware, Nancy has come to the frontlines to say that the CIA of the United States lied to her about the techniques they were using on the prisoners of GITMO. She claims to have been briefed once on the matter, citing the claim that the CIA lead her to believe that waterboarding was not being used. An official document clearly proving that the Speaker was in fact briefed entirely, has been brought to the table. Nancy, what have you brought?