Binyam Mohamed, charged with aiding Osama Bin Laden in commiting gruesome terrorist acts, has just been released from Guantanamo Bay, back home to Great Britain. This unsettling news comes to us from our President, who released the prisoner without any security restrictions or criminal charges. The President hopes to shut down GITMO within one year, an idea that was immediately shut down but our Democratically-controlled congress. Shocking? It should be. The Congress isn't pleased, and neither are we.
Barack Obama would like to move these terrorist prisoners onto our U.S. soil where some will stand trial, while others will quite simply be released. The Congress is doing their best to make this a little harder for our President though, explaining that it needs to be thoroughly thought out and investigated before this will go on any further.
What do you think about this mess?
Todays outstanding debt numbers have yet to be posted, but when they are, you will be the first to know.