Sonia Sotomayer, a Hispanic woman, was nominated by Obama today for Supreme Court Justice. He is once again showing his true colors for making a decision based only upon race. Our President is indeed guilty of reverse discrimination, cited with words along the lines of Sotomayer being more capable than a white male. It is ridiculous that our country is ran on a racial basis, but I guess this is what the Obama supporters voted for.
In other news, a case of Affirmative Action gone awry. In New Haven, Connecticut, there is a fire department that had some promotions available which required an asessment based upon their knowledge. Everyone was given the same study materials. There were twenty positions available. The 20 men that received the highest test scores consisted of 19 white men and 1 hispanic man. The top scoring people were then denied the promotions because the department feared a racial lawsuit because there were no african-american people eligible for a promotion. This is because they DID NOT score high enough, not because they're just a bunch of racists. This case was taken to court after the test scores were thrown out the window due to Affirmative Action. The case has now reached the Supreme Court finally, after five years of fighting for their rights. We will know the result soon and you will be the first to know.
This case is also related to Obama's Supreme Court Justice Nominee, Sonia Sotomayor. She already dismissed this case once because the dudes are white, not black. Obama has just picked someone so radical and so discriminate, that it just really shows his true, true character.
Also, today California decided to keep the ban on gay marriage. They are still going to honor the same sex marriages that took place while it was legalized.